Thank you so much for being here.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Megan May and I am here to make a positive impact in a chaotic world. I’ve been studying creative expression, embodiment, and wholeness for the past 20 years. I’m a seeker of truth and balance in my own life and in the life of the collective. I am deeply inspired where ancient wisdom, spiritual technologies, and the most up-to-date science about systems and transformation merge. I believe that the real seat of change for us in our current time is returning to a relational way of being-I will approach you as a complex, whole-being made of many stories, places, ancestry, and experiences. I embrace the belief that you have everything within you to find safety, resilience, and a profound homecoming to your own life and purpose. It is my great pleasure to guide you along your path.

Learn more about my background and training here.

Embody Your Feminine

Let the feminine live through you and She will show up for you. You are ripe for her scintillating expression. All that is needed now is devotional reverence for Her to blossom within you. She is a soft, fierce mother for the soul work you are nourishing into form.