Cycle Conscious live in alignment

Coming Spring 2023

Sacred Priestess

Are you ready to say yes to your creative impulse?

To feel more connection, more clarity and more rhythm in your life?

Are you ready to activate your sovereignty, to step into your expansive nature, and take up more space in the world?

If you are feeling a YES in your body-

Yes! to sovereignty

Yes! to receiving guidance

Yes! to meeting yourself fully

Then join me for a 3-month deep-dive into the creative cycles mentorship where I will guide you in the use of practical magic, mindfulness, somatic awareness, and hormonal mapping to better understand your body, mind, spirit, and emotions giving you the power to change your life from the inside out.

Cycle Conscious Group Coaching and Mentorship Program

with Megan Joy May


Sacred Egg

  • Three months, approximately 90 days, is how long it takes for the human egg to mature to ovulation. We will journey together for this duration to harness hormonal harmony & the creative lunar cycle for improved self-esteem, organization, self-care, boundaries, sense of self & empowerment, eating, socializing, and life-style habits.

  • We will centralize the body’s wisdom seasonal and cyclical timelines, the estrogen dominant cycle, self-sovereignty, and our connection to self, each other, and Earth.

  • Women who work with their fertility cycle experience a greater sense of clarity, well-being, energy, confidence, self-preservation, and harmony..

  • Learn to map your hormonal cycle. Plan for your social, creative, and personal success. Connect with many tools for spiritual growth and well being all while learning deeper presence and coherence in your beautiful body.

What you’ll receive

  • Connection

    3 monthly 60-minute private one-on-one session with me on ZOOM or over the phone to go deeper into creative and transformational blocks. In these sessions, we will co-create new healing patterns that address your personal growth goals. All 9 sessions must be concluded by June 7, 2022.

  • Organization

    During our time together you will become more familiar with your natural cycles. You will learn to better understand and respond to your body’s natural rhythms incorporating the best times in your cycle to create, play, and rest.

  • Guidance

    I will be available to you directly via email for the duration of the Mentorship for guidance, encouragement, shared insight, and support between sessions.

  • Personalized Attention

    Custom homework assignments and tarot readings tailor-made for you, that will gently push your edges and keep you working toward your transformational goals.

  • Sovereignty

    With my guidance, you will develop a healthy Personal Practice that will help change old patterns and beliefs bringing more connection, wholeness, and joy into your life.

  • Community

    We will commune once per moon cycle as a cohort. I will provide a lecture based on the elements, our cycles, and somatic awareness. Each session will begin in meditation and conclude with discussion/Q+A. Group sessions will be 90 minutes and recorded.

Soft Power

The world needs leaders whose values are rooted in the reemergence of harmony and balance with the earth and her cycles. A balance nourished by the seasons, the cycles of your body, and the cycles of your lifetime.

When you lead from a sense of connection to source, creative intelligence, and the divine feminine within, you create a web of sovereignty that brings you into greater alignment with collective harmony and your higher destiny. 

Are you ready to amplify your creative power while grounding into the truth of who you are?

Creatives, Visionaries, and Leaders

You know!!!

You already KNOW. You have work to do. You have purpose and desire to creat legacy in the world. And you are ready.

Ready to be turned on.

Ready to be tuned in.

Ready to connect to your creative cyclical intelligence,

bring your vision into the world, and create lasting change in your life and others.

You are a sensual, emotional, and intuitive creature!

Magic, connection to nature, and the cycles of your life are your birthright.

Hi, I’m Megan

I am an Artist, Educator, Writer, and Coach dedicated to guiding you toward an integrated understanding of your cyclical and multidimensional nature.I’m passionate about people feeling alive in their bodies and confident in their place in our changing world.

The Patriarchy is shifting. Our fast-paced, goal-oriented, profit-driven system driven by linear mindset is no longer sustainable.

It’s time to slow down; time to center and listen long and deep to receive the guidance from within.

It’s time to go into your own patterns, dreams, and desires to reconnect to your radiance.Its Time for a Transformation of SELF.

This is your time!!!

We have reached a critical tipping point. Now, more than ever in our recent human history women are taking up space in positions of political, cultural, and social change. You are here to usher in new systems, ones that honor the earth, your emotional and spiritual bodies, systems that embrace spirit, science, art, and the soft animal of the body.



This will be deep, steady work that will require for you to show up for yourself on a regular basis.

I will be there to witness you, support you, and guide you. I will help you create a regular practice that gives you back to yourself day after day.

This Mentorship is for You if you:

💠 struggle with claiming your spiritual identity

💠desire accountability for your daily practice and personal growth

💠struggle to honor your cyclical nature

💠 struggle with linear time, especially in the creative process

💠battle with negative thoughts and beliefs about your creative capabilities and sensual body

This Program is not for you if:

💠 you are not ready to commit to consistent self-evaluation

💠you are not ready for sincere accountability from a clear and honest mirror

💠you are not ready to put in the time and effort to take control of your thoughts, habits and routines

Transformational change is about consistent, dedicated work. It emerges from a devotional practice that, when honored, creates a ritual out of your life.

You wake,

you rise,

you take action.

These actions groove out your reality thought by thought, step by step.

